The Edmonton Public School Board Collective Agreement – What You Need to Know

If you`re a teacher within the Edmonton Public School Board (EPSB), you are likely covered under the collective agreement that outlines your workplace terms and conditions. The agreement is a legally binding contract between the EPSB and the Alberta Teachers` Association (ATA), which represents the teachers.

The most recent collective agreement between the EPSB and the ATA was effective from September 2018 through August 2022. The agreement is renegotiated every four years, so educators can expect new terms and conditions to be solidified in the coming months.

Here are some key elements of the current EPSB collective agreement:

Salaries and Wages:

The current agreement provides for salary increases every year of the contract, with the exact amount of the increase varying based on years of experience. Currently, a starting teacher with a Bachelor`s degree earns a minimum of $62,073, while a teacher with 11 years of teaching earns a minimum of $99,264.


EPSB teachers receive a comprehensive benefits package, including health and dental coverage, life and accident insurance, and a pension plan. The current agreement also provides for extended health benefits for teachers who experience workplace-related injuries.

Job Security:

The collective agreement provides for job security, including provisions for bumping rights, layoff procedures, and a grievance process. The agreement also outlines the procedure for resolving disputes between the EPSB and the ATA.

Professional Development:

The EPSB recognizes the importance of continuous professional development for teachers and provides for various opportunities for educators to upgrade their skills and knowledge. The current agreement provides for a dedicated fund to support professional development, as well as time off for such activities.

Working Conditions:

The EPSB and the ATA have agreed upon fair and reasonable working conditions for teachers. The current agreement outlines maximum class sizes, teacher workload, and other conditions that ensure a safe and productive working environment for educators.

In conclusion, the EPSB collective agreement is an integral part of the relationship between the EPSB and its teachers. It provides for fair and competitive wages, comprehensive benefits, job security, professional development, and safe working conditions. As negotiations for the next agreement get underway, educators can expect continued commitment from the EPSB to provide them with the best possible working environment.

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