Double Tax Agreement Vietnam Australia: What You Need to Know

The Double Tax Agreement (DTA) between Vietnam and Australia is a treaty that aims to eliminate double taxation issues between the two countries. This agreement was signed on November 7, 1990, and came into force on January 1, 1992.

What is Double Taxation?

Double taxation occurs when the same income is taxed twice in two different countries. This can happen when a person or company earns income in one country but is also taxed again in another country due to the different tax laws and regulations.

To avoid this situation, countries often form DTAs to provide relief and clarity for taxpayers who are affected by cross-border transactions.

What Does the DTA Between Vietnam and Australia Cover?

The DTA between Vietnam and Australia covers all types of taxes, including income tax, capital gains tax, and fringe benefit tax. It provides for:

1. Taxation of business profits: The DTA provides that business profits will be taxed in the country where the business is carried on.

2. Taxation of dividends: Dividends received by a resident of one country from a company in the other country will be taxed in the recipient`s country of residence.

3. Taxation of interest: Interest paid to a resident of one country from a resident of the other country will be taxed in the recipient`s country of residence.

4. Taxation of royalties: Royalties paid to a resident of one country from a resident of the other country will be taxed in the recipient`s country of residence.

5. Capital gains: Capital gains tax will be paid in the country where the property is situated, except for gains derived from the sale of shares or an interest in a partnership.

What are the Benefits of the DTA?

The DTA between Vietnam and Australia provides several benefits for taxpayers, including:

1. Elimination of double taxation: The agreement ensures that income is only taxed once in either country, avoiding the issue of double taxation.

2. Reduced withholding tax rates: The DTA provides for a reduction in withholding tax rates on dividends, interest, and royalties.

3. Increased certainty: The agreement provides greater certainty and predictability for taxpayers operating in both Vietnam and Australia.

4. Enhanced trade and investment: The DTA helps to facilitate and encourage trade and investment between the two countries by providing a more favorable tax treatment for cross-border transactions.


The Double Tax Agreement between Vietnam and Australia is an important treaty that provides clarity and relief for taxpayers who are affected by cross-border transactions. It eliminates the issue of double taxation and provides other benefits such as reduced withholding tax rates, increased certainty, and enhanced trade and investment. As a result, it is crucial for taxpayers and businesses operating in both Vietnam and Australia to understand the agreement and ensure that they comply with its provisions.

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