When it comes to terminating a tenancy agreement, tenants are required to provide a written notice to their landlord. A well-written termination letter can help ensure a smooth transition and avoid any misunderstandings or legal complications down the line. In this article, we will provide a sample letter of termination of tenancy agreement from a tenant to a landlord.

Sample Letter of Termination of Tenancy Agreement

Dear [Landlord’s Name],

I am writing to inform you that I will be terminating my tenancy agreement for the property located at [Address] effective [Date of Termination]. According to the terms of the lease agreement, I am required to provide a written notice of termination at least [Number of Days] days prior to vacating the premises.

I would like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude for the pleasant experience I have had as a tenant in this property. I have enjoyed my stay here and appreciate the effort you have made to maintain the property’s excellent condition throughout my tenancy.

As per the terms of the lease agreement, I will be leaving the property in a clean and well-maintained condition. I will be vacating the property on [Date of Vacating] and will have all my personal belongings removed from the property by that date. I will also arrange for the return of the keys to the property on the same day.

Please let me know if you have any specific requirements or instructions related to the termination of the tenancy agreement. I am open to discussing any concerns you may have and will do my best to ensure a smooth and hassle-free transition.

Thank you for the opportunity to have been your tenant. I wish you all the best for the future.


[Your Name]

Tips for Writing a Termination Letter

1. Be Clear and Concise: Your letter should clearly state that you are terminating the tenancy agreement and the date on which you will vacate the property. Make sure to mention the number of days required by the lease agreement for providing notice.

2. Show Appreciation: It’s always a good idea to acknowledge the landlord’s efforts in maintaining the property and providing a pleasant living experience. This can help to foster a positive relationship and avoid any disputes.

3. Mention Your Plan: Mention your plan to clean the property and vacate it by a particular date. This can help the landlord to know when the property will be available for inspection and when the keys can be returned.

4. Stay Professional: Keep the tone of your letter professional and cordial. Avoid any emotional language or negative comments that may hurt the relationship.

In conclusion, writing a termination letter is an important part of the process of ending a tenancy agreement. By following the tips and using the sample letter provided, tenants can ensure that the termination process is smooth, professional and amicable.

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