For the COP21 interview, the best @mentioned Twitter accounts were @cop21 the official conference, followed by US President Barack Obama (@potus), French President François Hollande (@fhollande) and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (@narendramodi). The more than 2.4 million messages had a reach of 26 billion potential impressions, as calculated by the Crimson Hexagon software. The activist #climatemarch hashtag was in the top 10 hashtags. #MeToo – #MeToo is a Twitter hashtag that draws attention to sexual assault by encouraging survivors to share their stories. Tarana Burke originally used the hashtag in 2007, but was later popularized and circulated in the media on October 15, 2017, when Alyssa Milano encouraged individuals to talk about their attack experience and say, “Me Too.” The initial goal was to raise awareness, but it became a movement and the hashtag was used 19 million times in October 2018. The movement provoked many other movements, such as #HowIWillChange, and also resulted in certain penalties for the guilty. In response, the hashtag #HimToo was developed. This refers to the social media campaign for fake offenses. Sale of fossil fuels General terms and hashtags #keepitintheground and #divestforParis activism hashtag is an expression used on Twitter for media internet activism. The term can also be used on any social media platform, not only on Twitter, but also on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Tik Tok and a few others to describe the act of supporting something mainly by sharing and discussing. It`s arguably the meaning of hashtag activism to talk about these topics with friends and followers, hoping they`ll have the same details. This gives rise to wide-ranging debates and allows for change. The fight against climate change is everyone`s business.
To make things easier, we`ve put together a list of things you can do. You can also visit the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to learn more about the Paris Agreement and spread what you`ve learned and are doing on your social media with the hashtag #ParisAgreement. To address climate change, countries adopted the Paris Agreement at COP21 in Paris on 12 December 2015. The agreement entered into force less than a year later. In the agreement, all countries agreed to limit the increase in global temperature to well below 2 degrees Celsius and to target 1.5 degrees Celsius due to the serious risks. #MosqueMeToo – #MosqueMeToo began in February 2018, after the #MeToo movement that gained worldwide notoriety in October 2017 and the coming months. Muslim women began sharing their experience of sexual abuse in Muslim holy sites and during pilgrimages such as Hajj, Mecca, Saudi Arabia under the hashtag #MosqueMeToo. #PrayforParis – On the night of November 13, 2015, a series of terrorist attacks took place in Paris.
Several individuals, governments and other organizations around the world have expressed solidarity with France and the victims in response to these events. In the hours following the attack, some Parisian social networks used, including the Twitter hashtag #PorteOuverte means open door in French, to host overnight foreigners stranded by the attack. The hashtag is trending all over the world. A modified version of the international peace symbol by London-based French graphic designer Jean Jullien, who adapted the central crack to the Eiffel Tower, has been widely distributed. The symbol was shared with #PeaceForParis, #PrayForParis, #PrayForFrance and #JeSuisParis. #CheersToSochi – In 2014, sponsors protested for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, against the recent anti-gay law.